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October 4, 2023

Contact: Maggie Barlow | 919-819-6557 | 

Maurice “Mo” Green, Former Guilford County Schools Superintendent and Foundation Director, Announces Candidacy for NC Superintendent

Greensboro, NC - On Wednesday, October 4, Maurice “Mo” Green announced his campaign for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 


“Throughout my career, I have strived to be a champion of public education,” said Green. “There is much to celebrate about public education in North Carolina and its transformative power. However, it is long past time for our state to truly fulfill its promise to each of its students – that no matter who you are, you will receive high-quality educational opportunities that will prepare you to be successful. We can make that happen if we invest fully in public education, ensure safe and secure learning environments for our students, enhance parent and community support, and revere our educators.” 


Mo Green served as deputy superintendent, chief operating officer and general counsel of Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools before leading Guilford County Schools, the third largest school district in North Carolina, as superintendent from 2008-2016. During his tenure with GCS, Green launched its first district-wide strategic plan, whose implementation resulted in notable outcomes including increased graduation rates. Green also led the creation of two STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) early/middle colleges, a comprehensive character development/service-learning program, a parent academy, a technology based elementary school, and a summer arts institute, among other initiatives. 


“Before making changes, I believe one should listen to what people need and what they care about,” said Green. “Listening before acting has been my way of operating throughout my entire career and will be a hallmark of my tenure if I am elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction.” The accomplishments in Guilford County Schools came after Green conducted a “Mo Wants to Know” district-wide listening tour. He did a similar statewide listening tour before helping to implement a new direction in his next role as executive director of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation – a private, family foundation that has been a catalyst for positive change in North Carolina for more than 80 years and has invested over $650 million into the state. 


With a passion for servant leadership, Green is excited about another opportunity to advocate for North Carolina public schools. “North Carolina’s public school students and educators need a listener, a hard worker and a champion. They need someone who will celebrate the good things happening in our public schools, and who will make them the best they can be.” 


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